

About BIC

The West Virginia Business & Industry Council (BIC) was founded in 1982 by a group of trade association executives interested in expanding the influence of business at the Capitol by working together on common issues.

Our Mission

Today, BIC consists of more than 60 West Virginia trade associations and businesses and represents more than 395,000 West Virginia workers across 26 separate industry categories. BIC members are foot soldiers for change whose goal is to enhance the business climate in West Virginia.

BIC meets frequently during the legislative session and throughout the rest of the year to discuss issues affecting employers in West Virginia. The organization pursues an aggressive policy agenda and interfaces regularly with state government leaders to discuss BIC’s policy priorities. State policymakers recognize BIC as one of the key groups involved in moving West Virginia forward.

Our Vision

The success of business and industry in West Virginia is critical to the wellbeing of our state. BIC focuses on improving the state’s economic and political conditions with the goal of maximizing opportunity in the Mountain State. 

Over the past three decades, BIC has been at the forefront of every major business issue under the gold dome. Policymakers recognize the weight a BIC endorsement carries on an issue or a piece of legislation. 

West Virginia has taken critical steps in several areas. Over the past decade we have seen advances in the state’s medical liability, insurance, civil justice and workers’ compensation systems. Changes to our judicial system have helped to restore balance for litigants who now can rely on fairness in our courts, and state leaders are taking steps to improve West Virginia’s public education system. 

BIC members have been leaders in addressing many of these issues, and we will continue to build on our legacy of success. Now is the time for BIC to encourage our government to embrace change and dedicate ourselves to moving West Virginia forward. 

Join BIC

BIC members represent 395,000 WV workers across 26 industries. Improve the state’s political and public policy landscape.

Become part of a group influencing positive change today.