News & Policy

News & Policy


The WV Business & Industry Council works to keep its membership up to date on issues of importance to the employer community. Below find recent organizational news releases, news clippings, action alerts and other information relevant to our membership.

WV Business & Industry Council Pre-Legislative Conference

The West Virginia Business & Industry Council's annual Pre-Legislative Conference will take place this Monday - January 9 - at the West Virginia Culture Center. Bring your clients and members! Learn about the policy initiatives under consideration this Session and engage with legislative and administrative decision makers.The event will take place in the Culture Center Great Hall. The conference portion of the event will begin at 3pm. A legislative reception will begin at 5:30pm.

To register, click here.

The agenda is coming together and will include:

  • Opening Remarks & 2023 Policy Platform
  • Governor Jim Justice 
  • Senate President Craig Blair + Senate Leadership Team 
  • House Speaker Roger Hanshaw + House Leadership Team 
  • New Legislator Introductions
  • State Budget Overview & Discussion
  • Legislative Reception 

The cost to attend is $50 per person.

Join BIC

BIC members represent 395,000 WV workers across 26 industries. Improve the state’s political and public policy landscape.

Become part of a group influencing positive change today.