


Infrastructure Improvement

West Virginia’s infrastructure is one of our greatest assets and most important responsibilities. A critical underpinning of our state’s economic future is the safety, security and stability of our roads, bridges, water and sewer facilities, schools, higher educational facilities and airports.

West Virginia is one of only four states that maintains its entire highway system, which is why our state has the sixth-largest system in the nation. Nearly half the bridges on West Virginia’s interstate system will need significant repairs or reconstruction by the year 2026, and 36 percent of our major roads are in either poor or mediocre condition. A total of 35 percent of West Virginia’s bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.

Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Highways estimates West Virginia needs hundreds of millions a year in additional revenue to build new roads and bridges and to preserve the system already in place.

Other areas of the state’s infrastructure are in dire need of funds as well. The need for investment in water and wastewater infrastructure continues to far outpace the amount of funding that is available at all levels of government. The same can be said for school facilities — investment needs are outpacing funding.

West Virginia’s extensive infrastructure system provides the state’s residents, visitors and businesses with a high level of mobility and a better quality of life. Good roads, bridges, water and sewer systems and schools provide West Virginia with the opportunity to compete with other states in attracting jobs and economic development.

Investing in infrastructure is key to West Virginia’s economic future.

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