News & Policy

News & Policy


The WV Business & Industry Council works to keep its membership up to date on issues of importance to the employer community. Below find recent organizational news releases, news clippings, action alerts and other information relevant to our membership.

West Virginia’s Unemployment Rate Drops to Lowest Levels Since 2008

Pro-Business policies leading to growing economy

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – With recent data from WorkForce West Virginia showing that the state’s unemployment rate has dropped to 4.2 percent – the lowest level since 2008 – and record state revenue collections building to what may be one of the largest state budget surpluses in memory, West Virginia is experiencing incredible economic growth.

“The programs put in place by Governor Justice, like the Roads to Prosperity initiative, and the pro- business policies enacted by the leadership team in the state legislature are working in a monumental way,” said Chris Hamilton, chairman of the West Virginia Business & Industry Council. “For the month of April, job rates improved in every West Virginia county but one and two counties had an unemployment rate at or below 3 percent. This is proof that the decisions being made under the Capitol dome are positively impacting West Virginians’ lives in very meaningful ways.”

The West Virginia Business & Industry Council’s membership includes trade associations and businesses from 26 separate industry classifications, representing some 400,000 workers in West Virginia. The organization’s goal is to enhance the business climate in West Virginia and its members have been working to that end for more than three decades.

For additional information, contact Chris Hamilton at (304) 342-5358.

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BIC members represent 395,000 WV workers across 26 industries. Improve the state’s political and public policy landscape.

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