News & Policy

News & Policy

The WV Business & Industry Council works to keep its membership up to date on issues of importance to the employer community. Below find recent organizational news releases, news clippings, action alerts and other information relevant to our membership.

BIC Opposes 'Parking Lot' Gun Bill

The West Virginia Business & Industry Council is asking lawmakers to reject House Bill 4187, the so-called Business Liability Protection Act. CLICK HERE to read more.

Check Out New BIC Video: "West Virginia Rising"

Given the positive economic momentum occurring in West Virginia, the West Virginia Business & Industry Council has prepared a short video highlighting job announcements and investments over the past year. Click to watch:

BIC Announces 2018 Legislative Priorities

CLICK HERE to read about BIC's 2018 legislative priorities.

BIC Applauds W.Va. Congressmen for Voting for Tax Reform

Click to read BIC's statements thanking our congressmen for voting in favor of federal tax reform.

U.S. Rep. David McKinley

U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney

U.S. Rep. Evan Jenkins

BIC Supports Federal Tax Reform

With the potential to put money back into the pockets of hard working West Virginians while spurring investment in state businesses, the West Virginia Business & Industry Council announces its support for HR 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and its appreciation for those in West Virginia’s federal delegation for voting for it. CLICK HERE to read more.

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BIC members represent 395,000 WV workers across 26 industries. Improve the state’s political and public policy landscape.

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