News & Policy

News & Policy

The WV Business & Industry Council works to keep its membership up to date on issues of importance to the employer community. Below find recent organizational news releases, news clippings, action alerts and other information relevant to our membership.

BIC Recaps Successful Pre-legislative Conference

CLICK HERE to read a full recap from the "The Road Ahead: 2018 Pre-legislative Conference"

BIC Statement on $83B Investment from China

Click HERE to read BIC Chairman Chris Hamilton's statement on $83 billion investment from China Energy Group.

The Road Ahead: Pre-legislative Conference

Register today for BIC’s “The Road Ahead: Pre-legislative Conference” – 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. December 5, 2017, followed by a holiday reception, at the Charleston Civic Center.

Click here to register

BIC Members Celebrate Road Bond Amendment Passage

The West Virginia Business & Industry Council is celebrating the strong victory of the Roads to Prosperity amendment during today’s special election. Click HERE to read more.


Op-Ed: Better Roads Equals Better Opportunity

BIC Chairman Chris Hamilton writes about the Roads to Prosperity Amendment and why West Virginians should vote YES on October 7. Click here to read more.

Join BIC

BIC members represent 395,000 WV workers across 26 industries. Improve the state’s political and public policy landscape.

Become part of a group influencing positive change today.